US Launches AntiIran Alliance
The US soft-launched its secret new alliance Saturday night. As Iranian weapons flew through the skies aimed for Israel, they were intercepted by Israel’s Arab neighbors. Jordan shot down missiles while Saudi Arabia and the UAE shared intelligence. Iran had briefed the gulf states on their plan of attack, which those nations then passed on to Israel and the US – Foiling their entire plan. And it wasn’t just them, reportedly several other Gulf nations were involved as well. The details are closely held due to those nations fearing that they could be seen as coming to Israel’s aid. But the Wall Street Journal reports that they opened their airspace, shared radar, and supplied their own soldiers to help. Early warning radars in Qatar immediately detected Iranian launches and forwarded that on to the coalition. The Pentagon attributes this success to moving Israel from its European command to Central command. Because this allows Arab nations to enhance military cooperation with Israel under the guise of working with America. This has been a long term goal for the US because both the gulf states and Israel share a common enemy in Iran, and if they can work together to counter them, the US can reduce its footprint in the region. • —————————— • Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco • Edited by: Ben Wheeler • Art Department: William Crespo • Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco • ———————————— • #usa #iran #israel