>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=BF0fMcYBD9A
My Twitch: / scotchandsmokerings - Mods Used: http://oxhorn.it/mods-used - Oxhorn's Free Fallout 4 Settlement Happiness Calculator: http://oxhorn.it/happiness-calculator - My Fantasy Novel: http://www.cloranhastings.com/ • Get the Settlement Management Software. Also available on Bethesda.net: • http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mod... • 01:06 - Abernathy Farm • 01:43 - Boston Airport • 01:59 - Bunker Hill • 02:46 - Coastal Cottage • 03:17 - County Crossing • 03:52 - Covenant • 04:23 - Croup Manor • 04:53 - Dalton Farm • 05:14 - Echo Lake Lumber Mill • 05:34 - Egret Tours Marina • 06:20 - Finch Farm • 06:49 - Graygarden • 07:25 - Greentop Nursery • 08:43 - Hangman's Alley • 09:15 - Jamaica Plain • 09:57 - Kingsport Lighthouse • 10:26 - Longfellow's Cabin • 10:41 - Mechanist's Lair • 11:36 - Murkwater Construction Site • 11:58 - Nordhagen Beach • 13:03 - Oberland Station • 13:58 - Outpost Zimonja • 14:27 - Red Rocket Truck Stop • 15:14 - Sanctuary • 16:19 - Somerville Place • 16:43 - Spectacle Island • 17:36 - Starlight Drive-In • 18:33 - Sunshine Tidings Co-Op • 19:19 - Taffington Boat House • 19:51 - Tenpines Bluff • 20:23 - The Castle • 20:43 - The Slog • 21:16 - Visitor's Center • 22:04 - Warwick Homestead • Note: Just because these are the attack spawn points does NOT mean that you will always be attacked from them. You will only be attacked from these directions if you are already in the town before the attack happens. If you fast-travel into town while an attack is already underway, enemies will often be right in the middle of your town. The reason for this is Bethesda takes into account the time it takes you to reach your settlement after getting the alert, and calculates how far enemies will have advanced into your settlement by the time you get there. This calculation completely ignores your settlement structures and defenses, including walls. • This is why many of you have experienced attacks at different places in some of these settlements. These spawn points are accurate for every game on every platform--but due to the nature of the game, Fallout 4 does not always honor these spawn points.