Seymour Texas Tornado Films April 10 1979
This powerful tornado remained primarily over open country northwest of Seymour, Texas on April 10, 1979. One of the many significant tornadoes that took shape during the Red River Valley tornado outbreak, two crews working in tandem with the National Severe Storms Laboratory and University of Oklahoma during Project SESAME chronicled the mature stages of the Seymour tornado. • The first film was shot by the OU/NSSL crew led by Dr. Howard Bluestien. The second and third films were shot by Gene Moore, also with NSSL and OU who along with Ed Sims captured some fairly close range [for the era] tornado films prior to nearly being overtaken by the vortex. Later the massive supercell thunderstorm that was producing a violent, mile-wide F4 tornado at Wichita Falls, Texas is visible to the northeast. • Further information on the April 10, 1979 Red River Valley tornado outbreak: • Film to video transfer. • © 1979, NSSL/NOAA, H. Bluestien, G. Moore.