Developer Tech Minutes RESTler
RESTler, the first stateful REST API fuzzer brought to life by Microsoft Partner Researcher Patrice Godefroid and Microsoft Engineer Marina Polishchuk. • The RESTler tool takes as input an OpenAPI specification of a REST API and then automatically creates and executes tests, without any pre-recorded API traffic, in order to find bugs in the cloud services behind that REST API. This is done using two components, a compiler, and a test engine, that work together to generate and execute tests. Fuzzing with RESTler is already being adopted by Microsoft Engineers working on cloud-based products like Azure, Office365 and Bing services, and it is helping them find bugs in their systems. • Read the full research paper here: • You can learn more about the project: • To learn more about the latest Dev breakthroughs, visit the Innovation Tech Hub: • Discover all the Innovation Tech Minutes for Developers: • Innovation Tech Minutes