Revealing the Dynamics of Addiction and Criminal Behavior
Revealing the Dynamics of Addiction and Criminal Behavior with Doc Snipes and AllCEUs • Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through Dynamics of Addiction and Criminal Behavior • #addictioncounseling #criminalbehavior #relapseprevention #recidivism • Unlimited Counseling CEUs for $59 • Specialty Certificate tracks starting at $89 • Live Webinars $5/hour • Pinterest: drsnipes • / allceuseducation • View the New Harbinger Catalog and get your 25% discount on their products by entering coupon code: 1168SNIPES at check out • AllCEUs is also approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions. Our courses are accepted in most states through those approvals. • 0:00 Introduction • 0:10 Dynamics of Addiction and Criminal Behavior • 0:20 Objectives Examine the parallels between addiction and criminal behavior Discuss benefits to both Identify drawbacks to both Describe what an effective, comprehensive re-integration model would look like. • 2:57 Drug-Defined Offenses Violating laws related to the possession, distribution or manufacture of drugs Drug-Related Offenses Offenses which involve the drugs effects, need to procure the drug or consequences of distribution or acquisition (violence against rivals...) • 4:14 Drug Using Lifestyle Likelihood and frequency of involvement in illegal activity is increased due to users increased exposure to peers, environments and situations that encourage crime. Characterized by an emphasis on short term goals, peers who are involved in illegal activity and a culture of criminality (people, places, things) • 6:09 Possession Why are they using Distribution What is the benefit to distribution? • The average drug dealer makes 20K-30K/year • 9:07 Tolerance and/or withdrawal Psychological (craving comfort and safety) Physiological (tolerance/needing more: withdrawal needing supplementation to feel normal) Continued use or engagement in the behavior despite negative consequences... Why? Numbs pain/self hatred/emptiness/guilt It is the one thing the person can control and keep from leaving • 12:13 Spending more time or money planning, using or recovering from use of the substance or engagement in the behavior As tolerance develops, more is needed As use continues, cravings increase due to • 18:49 Tolerance and/or withdrawal Escalating sale/use/involvement to be more powerful, more popular, richer Engagement in riskier behavior to increase the rush of getting away with the offense Like other behavioral addictions, it activates reward pathways in the brain The person often defines themselves based on their drug-involved persona (dealer, enforcer, distributor) • 22:43 Tolerance and/or withdrawal Also provides a sense of power for persons who have felt powerless, useless or disenfranchised Provides a sense of self-esteem being smarter than the cops or being BMOC • 25:54 Spending more time or money planning, using or recovering from engagement in the behavior and loss of other interests Bigger deals More territory to defend Life revolves around maintaining an image Unsuccessful efforts to quit or cut down No rush No external validation • 27:53 Physically Rebalance neurotransmitters so the person can experience pleasure in legal activities Ensure access to safe housing and employment away from negative peer influences Educate about basic life skills • 39:50 Interpersonally Improve communication skills (including listening and empathy) Improve self-esteem to reduce the need for approval and defensiveness at perceived slights Identify clean, sober friends Explore prosocial recreation • 46:50 The benefits to criminal behavior and/or drug use outweigh the drawbacks of jail or other sanctions Like an addiction, criminal behavior is rewarding to an extreme for some. Reducing recidivism/relapse involves Understanding and eliminating what motivates that behavior Understanding and improving what is unmotivating about prosocial activities • 49:33 If the criminal behaviors or substance use are serving to help the person escape or avoid pain and continue to be done despite negative consequences, and produces physiological or psychological withdrawal, then it would qualify as an addiction • 50:22 Evaluate for an underlying mood disorder Address cognitive distortions Improve self-esteem Ensure the work and home environment is free from negative influences (Reintegrative shaming)