Drug Screening Collector Training PT 3
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=BHl44rzfZGo
http://www.NationalDrugScreening.com | 866-843-4545 • This is the third of a series of video on the DOT urine drug screening collection process. • Previous video links: • Starting DOT Specimen Collection: Step 1 • Starting DOT Specimen Collection: Step 1 • DOT Urine Specimen Collection Part 2 • DOT Urine Specimen Collection Part 2 • This video of the DOT urine drug screening collection process is Step 5 of the DOT Federal Custody and Control Form (CCF). This is the donor certification section where the donor signs and prints his/her name. This section also referred to as the donor certification statement and includes: - Donor Signature, Donor Printed Name, Today’s Date, Donor Daytime Phone, Donor Evening Phone, Donor Date of Birth. • Step 5 is completed on Copy 2 the MRO copy of the DOT Federal Custody and Control Form (CCF). Every other part of the collection is recorded on Copy 1, the Laboratory copy of the Custody and Control Form.The donor certification statement is: I certify that I provided my urine specimen to the collector; that I have not adulterated it in any manner; each specimen bottle used was sealed with a tamper-evident seal in my presence; and that the information provided on this form and on the label affixed to each specimen bottle is correctAdditional information provide in this section is as follows: After the Medical Review Officer receives the test results for the specimen identified by this form, he/she may contact you to ask about prescriptions and over-the-counter medications you may have taken. Therefore, you may want to make a list of those medications for your own records. THIS LIST IS NOT NECESSARY. If you choose to make a list, do so either on a separate piece of paper or on the back of your copy (Copy 5). –DO NOT PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION ON THE BACK OF ANY OTHER COPY OF THE FORM. TAKE COPY 5 WITH YOU. • The specific instructions for completing Step 5 are as follows: • The collector directs the employee to read, sign, and date the certification statement, and provide date of birth, printed name, and day and evening contact telephone numbers in Step 5 of Copy 2 of the CCF. Note: If the employee refuses to sign the form or provide date of birth, printed name, or telephone numbers, the collector must make a notation on the Remarks line to that effect and complete the collection. If the employee refuses to fill out any information, the collector must, as a minimum, print the employee’s name in the appropriate place. This does not constitute a refusal to test. • If you are interested in DOT urine specimen collection training, you can visit: DOT And Non-DOT Drug Testing Training Online • LIKE US on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/mrodrugtest • • #drugtest • #orderadrugtest