Simple Compact Baseball Swing Drill
Online hitting class now available - • Former major league player and instructor for over 80,000 baseball lessons, Jack Perconte offers video instruction with innovative, informative, and fun baseball techniques for coaches and players of all ages. Jack Perconte keeps the fun in the game with easy-to-understand baseball instruction videos and provides the best ways to help all baseball problems with drills and practice habits. • The baseball instructional videos cover the latest baseball hitting techniques and the mental game of hitting for little league baseball players, high school baseball players, and MLB players. Dont' miss out on this hitting baseball training treasure chest of information. • • Subscribe to this YouTube channel and visit for sports motivation tips. • This baseball hitting instruction video helps players with long-arm baseball swings and whose ball fails to jump off the bat because they lack a compact baseball swing. This is one of my top slump-busters hitting drills, as it forces batters to have a quicker more compact baseball swing, essential for successful hitting of a baseball. Baseball hitting coaches should use this drill when youth batters are always late on balls and appear to have lazy baseball swings. Slump busters hitting drills help players do the opposite of what they normally do, so they meet in the middle with a perfect baseball swing. I used both hitting drills when I played major league baseball, especially when my bat seemed to slow down and drag through the hitting zone.