Circus Is My Home Traveling Circus Documentary Real Stories


Making this documentary started in 1989, when a chance arose to follow the everyday life of family-owned Circus Finlandia, a young, struggling, travelling troupe. The filming continued over 20 years later. • Back then, Danish-Finnish clown couple Bonbon and Tina were starting their career in Circus Finlandia, and are now back as a celebrated star attraction. Circus Finlandia is now ranked amongst ten of the best European circuses. Bonbon and Tina travel all over the world with their two circus-crazy teenage children. Their son Joakim has a rare genetic disorder called Sotos, and faces different kind of daily struggles. What is it like to lead “normal” family life in circus with a child with special needs? • The founding couple are getting ready to hand the reigns to the next generation. In 1989, their son was only 9 years old. Now he is the director and an internationally known jongleur. At 12, his sister Heidi was performing a hair acrobatics number, and swore never to leave the family circus. Now she has decided to study another profession. What are her reasons for leaving? What kind of future does she hope for, for her own daughter? • Life in circus is often grueling and uncertain. But in what other career does the whole family join in, and the traditions are passed on from one generation to another? That is the strength of traditional circus: it is family friendly entertainment, provided by families, to an audience consisting of all generations. • Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? • Click here: • Follow us on Twitter for more -   / realstoriesdocs   • Facebook -   / realstorieschannel   • Instagram - @realstoriesdocs • Content licensed from Espresso Media. Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected]


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