The Grateful Deads Ripple by The Barton Hills Choir DeadCoversProject
Produced by Gavin Tabone.Vocals -5th/6th grade Barton Hills Choir from Barton Hills Elementary School in Austin, TX.All instruments by Tabone.'Ripple' writte...
The Grateful Dead, Grateful Dead, The Barton Hills Choir, Barton Hills Choir, BHC, Jerry Garcia, Robert Hunter, Ripple, American Beauty, #DeadCoversProject, kids, choir, deadheads, Bob Weir, rock, pop, panasonic GH4, Lumix, Gavin, Tabone, country, greatful dead, 4k, choral, Austin, Texas, Barton Hills Elementary School, Barton Hills Neighborhood, sixties, seventies, acoustic, children, Dead, Covers, Project, the dead, folk, song