Drug License Registration Tamil

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Download the PDF: http://bit.ly/3EutgIu • How to obtain a drug license • Medicine saves lakhs and lakhs of lives every day. At the same time, if consumed wrongly, it may even become a threat to your life. So anyone cannot handle a drug simply. Handling a drug involves some regulations. The Act that governs the end to end process from manufacture to the sale of drugs in India is the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. • What is meant by drug? • Section 3(b) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940 defines drug to include all medicines and devices for the use of human beings or animals internally or externally, and all substances planned to be used for or in the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disorder or disease in animals or human beings, including preparations applied on the human body for the purpose of repelling insects like mosquitoes; This includes even Ayurvedic and Unani Drugs. • Who has to obtain a drug license? • Manufacturers • Whole sellers • Retailers • Marketers • Stockists • Prerequisite for obtaining a drug license • 1. Competent Person • A wholesaler or a retailer of drugs must have a qualified pharmacist to handle the same. A qualified pharmacist with a post-graduation degree with 1-year experience or an undergraduate with 4 years experience is a must. • 2. Sufficient space • A retailer obtains a drug licence, it should have a minimum of 100 square foot, amd a wholesaler should possess a place of 165 square foot. • 3. Storage facility • The drugs to be stored at the appropriate required temperature. Sp proper cooling units, refrigerators and air conditioners are required in the premises • • Documents required for Drug License • Proof of company formation • Pan card of the company • Rental deed of the company • Aadhar card of the directors • Pan card of the directors • Appointment order of Competent person • Qualification certificate and experience of the competent person • Id proof and address proof of the competent person • Drug license registration process • As a first step, the applicant must fill and submit Form 19 and submit online by way of creating a separate account. Once the form is submitted along with necessary documents, the applicant receives an application number. A drug control officer will visit the premises and to his satisfaction, Drug license would be issued. • http://leintelligensia.com/


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