1980s False Memory and Child Abuse Hysteria
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Ray and Shirley Souza, Lowell Masachussetts • Rush To Judgement, BY NEWSWEEK STAFF 4/18/93 • http://www.newsweek.com/rush-judgemen... • Kelly Michaels, WEE CARE Nursery School, Maplewood NJ • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontli... • FEMINIST involvement • http://www.realclearpolitics.com/arti... • The victimhood cult: In Steinem's case, the fixation on the sexual victimization of women and girls has led the activist into some strange places, such as the active promotion of recovered memories of sexual abuse. E. Sue Bloom's 1990 book, Secret Survivors: Uncovering Incest and Its Aftereffects in Women, which prominent journalist Joan Acocella termed one of the most outrageous [recovered memory] manuals, bore a blurb from Steinem claiming that it could set millions free by encouraging them to explore hidden memories of molestation. She is also implicated in a particularly bizarre offshoot of the recovered memory movement, the panic over supposedly rampant satanic ritual abuse. In 1993, Ms., the magazine founded by and closely associated with Steinem, ran a lurid piece titled Surviving the Unbelievable, a supposed firsthand account by a woman who had grown up in a Satanic cult.) Left-wing critics such as Alexander Cockburn and Debbie Nathan have identified the radical feminist establishment, and Steinem in particular, as major contributors to the ritual abuse hysteria of the 1980s and '90s. • Letter to Influential Feminist of the Time Katha Pollit for her complicity in the Hysteria • http://www.counterpunch.org/1999/10/2... • Katha's Silence by Alexander Cockburn