Manickavasagars Potri Thiru Agaval


Thiruvasagam (Potrith Thiruvahaval) by Manickavasagar sang by Karumari Karuna. Agathiyan Production House thanks the producers of the Audio Album. • Here is a write up from Youtube User arppanam on his channel on the above song. • I think it is a rare album, I couldn't find it even in RAAGA. All the Thiruvasagam has heart melting lyrics written by Manikkavaasagar, but here, the singer Karumari Karuna feels every word when singing this by his heart melting voice.In the first pearl Manikkavasagar express how a human being form from woom and pass through several obstacles through his life like maya, karma, and relatives against gaining sprituality and how Lord Shiva, bless him towards sprituality. In part two and three he praised Lord Shiva by stating his nature. In these two parts, I feel the singer feels the meaning every single words when singing. I wish to hear all the Thiruvasagam with this spritual voice and music. •


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