How to Find Used Gun Deals in 2022
Ok fellow collectors and enthusiasts, 2021 was a crazy year just like 2020. There were a lot of Milsurp deals to be found though. Everyone always asks me how I find the good stuff, so here's how I think you can find deals in 2022! Technology has come a long way and many shops are advertising their products online. It gives them more reach, especially for those who do not get out of the house as often. So there could be gems at some of those small biz websites. Shopping local and networking are some of the best ideas in my opinion, but it takes time and a flexible schedule. So, if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below! • Question: Are we seeing more collectibles and military surplus on the market??? • Edit: Another Pro tip- Always do as much research as you can before you go all in on these collectibles. Being prepared beforehand gives you a huge advantage. I suggest reading forums, watching Youtube videos and definitely reading collector books. • 💯 Recommendation for 2022: I've started reading The Rifle, by Andrew Biggio. It's a collection of epic stories from the greatest generation compiled into one book! Check it out with this link: • Chapters: • New Economy and What I'm Expecting in 2022 0:00 • Check Local Shops 2:11 • Gun shows 3:50 • Check Online Big Stores and Small Shops 5:10 • Peer to Peer and Network 6:41 • Thanks and Make it a Great Day 7:31 • 💥💥💥 • #guncollecting #curatehistory #militarysurplus • 🪖 Check us out on Instagram and Facebook for more Epic content! • @Battlefield_Curator • We do not give any advice to buy sell or trade assets, collectibles, or weapons. Seek out familiarization training before handling any weapon. We are not financial advisors nor do we give legal financial advice, please talk to your CPA. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Information contained in the content is based from personal experience, opinion, or available on the internet. Gun enthusiasts should read the owners manual and consult a firearms expert to fully understand the weapon. These historical relics and products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes.