Phenol to pnitrosophenolOrganic Chemistry
#CBSE# #12# #NCERT# #Tricks##12 chemistry# #chemistry class# #chemistry tricks# #CBSE# #state board# #NCERT# #Glycerol# #2-iodopropane# #1,2,3-tri iodopropapane# #allyl iodide# #propene# #NEET preparation# #NEET# #HI# #substance# #Organic_substance# #allyl_iodopropane# #mono# #di# #tri##12 Chemistry#NEET#Organic chemistry#SN2 Reaction #Chiral#Asymmetric# #Carbon#Basic Organic chemistry #NCERT# #chemistry#CBSE#chemistry tricks and reactions#Carbonylchloride structure #Phenetole#sodiumphenoxide #Ethyl iodide #Optically active compound #Racemisation#Anisole#Ether#Organic## NEET preparation# #NEET coaching#NEET academy ##12chemistry#organic#chemistry#NCERT#NEET#IIT# JEE#cumene#hydroperoxide# phenol#TRB#Tnpsc# Chemistry#Organic#Chemistry#chemistry#organic#chemistry#halogencompounds# Halides#classification#secondary#tertiary#methyl#ethyl#propyl#butyl#imporants#best#idea#tricks#derivatives#alcohol#ethanol#methanol#propanol##12chemistry#JEE#NEET#IIT#chemistry#exams##12 chemistry#NCERT#CBSE#Organic chemistry#Chemistry #Basic concept of organic chemistry#Chemistry idea and #Chemistry idea#NEET #IIT JEE mechanism#Basic Organic chemistry#synthesis##General Organic chemistry #synthetic chemistry #NEET#chemistry#Easy method teaching#online chemistry coaching and YouTube chemistry #New chemistry #noval chemistry #various#Analysis#synthesis chemistry# #IUPAC#Organic#Basic chemistry #General organic Chemistry#Nomenclature#The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)#, Government of India (GOI)# has established National Testing Agency (NTA)#teritary butylene# isobutyl#primary#secondary #Addition#williamson synthesis#12chemistry#carbene based reaction#Reimer#Tiemann#reaction# #Chloroform#sodiumhydroxide##intermediate#sodiumsalt#ORGANIC#Chemistry #salicyladehyde#IIT#JEE#exam# TRB#NET#GATE# NEET##Dilute#Hydrochloric acid#teaching#tricks#best idea#12chemistry#organic#chemistry#NCERT#NEET#IIT# JEE#cumene#hydroperoxide# phenol#TRB#Tnpsc# Chemistry#Organic#Chemistry#chemistry#organic#chemistry#halogencompounds# Halides#classification#secondary#tertiary#methyl#ethyl#propyl#butyl#imporants#best#idea#tricks#derivatives#alcohol#ethanol#methanol#propanol##12chemistry#JEE#NEET#IIT#chemistry#exams##12 chemistry#NCERT#CBSE#Organic chemistry#Chemistry #Basic concept of organic chemistry#Chemistry idea and #Chemistry idea#NEET #IIT JEE mechanism#Basic Organic chemistry#synthesis##General Organic chemistry #synthetic chemistry #NEET#chemistry#Easy method teaching#online chemistry coaching and YouTube chemistry #New chemistry #noval chemistry #various#Analysis#synthesis chemistry# #IUPAC#Organic#Basic chemistry #General organic Chemistry#Nomenclature##12 chemistry#NCET#CBSE#Organic chemistry#Chemistry #Basic concept of organic chemistry#Chemistry idea and #Chemistry idea#NEET #IIT JEE #Haloalkenes and Haloarenes Reaction mechanism#Basic Organic chemistry#synthesis##General Organic chemistry #synthetic chemistry #NEET#chemistry#Easy method teaching#online chemistry coaching and YouTube chemistry #New chemistry #noval chemistry #various#Analysis#synthesis chemistry#organic compounds# using the IUPAC rules# • #organic compounds# # memorize#a few basic names## listed# within #the discussion #e #number of carbons# #assigned# # parent chain#. #The suffix ##name#reflects # #functional group(s) present# o#the parent chain# substituents#The names of the straight chain# saturated hydrocarbons# #12 carbon# chain# # The names of the substituents#formed# by the removal# of one hydrogen# from the end of the chain is obtained #changing the suffix #Identify the longest carbon# chain# This chain# i parent • #Identify# all of the substituents #(groups appending #from the parent chain#. • #Number# the carbons# # end that gives the substituents# the lowest numbers#compairing a series of numbers##the series# that is the # lowest #is the one which contains# the lowest number# at the occasion## difference##two or more side chains# are in equivalent# positions# #assign# the lowest number# # first in the name## same substituent# occurs more than once#, #he location ## each point# on which the substituent# occurs# Inaddition# the number ## substituent group# occurs # #indicated by a prefix (di, tri, tetra, etc.)##different substituents# # alphabetical# order# using# the base name# (ignore the prefixes# #The only prefix# # putting# the substituents# #alphabetical #order is iso as in isopropyl or isobutyl# The prefixes #sec-# and# tert-# #determining# alphabetical#order# except# #compared# with each other# # chains of equal length# are competing #selection as the parent chain ##12_chemistry# #organic_chemistry# #rosenmund_reduction# #acetaldehyde# #acetyl_chloride# #benzoyl_chloride# #benzaldehyde# #online classes# #indian# #my home# #a makeindia# #online education# #online study# #active learning# #teachonli email# #virtual classroom# #teachers earning# #universities# #colleges# #academic research# #students success# #phd# #phdstudent##engineering# #techn