Sonic Spinball GameBoy Advance Walkthrough


Sega Smash Pack is a compilation for the Game Boy Advance featuring ports of 3 Sega Mega Drive games: Sonic Spinball, Golden Axe, and Ecco the Dolphin. While the games are a little watered down, they play basically identically to the originals. • The Smash Pack version of Sonic Spinball retains the gameplay of the Mega Drive game, but has a number of key omissions. Most of the music is absent, with the Toxic Caves theme playing across all stages (and bosses). The options screen and bonus levels, meanwhile, have no music at all, and what little music does exist in the game does not loop correctly. Many sound effects are also missing or are used in the wrong place, and the emerald jingle does not stop the main level's music when playing. • Audio as a whole is very inconsistent, with some sound effects playing quieter than others, and many, such as explosions, sounding noticeably distorted. • While the graphics are mostly the same as their Mega Drive counterparts, there are a number of layering issues, with sprites being drawn in the wrong order. Like the other two games in this compilation, Sonic Spinball is not optimised for the Game Boy Advance's smaller screen which makes levels trickier to navigate. This also means that in bonus stages, you are unlikely to see Sonic's friends being rescued, and the whole back screen of the table is obscured from view. • Join our Discord server:


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