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Dr. Harihara Murthy | Appointment booking no:9886026602 • Consultant ENT Surgeon | Murthy Health and Research Center,Bangalore • Pain in the throat is a very common symptom and sometimes it is associated with additional ear ache as well. Throat pain can be caused by a simple pharyngitis , that is infection of the throat caused by the tonsillitis which is very common in young children between age 2 and 5 and also because of small ulcers that form because of vitamin ands iron deficiency and also because of extreme stress. It can also be caused by lesions such as tumors. The most common is tonsillitis and pharyngitis and they can be associated with ear ache. The reason for ear ache is that the nerves that supply the throat also have supply to the era and there is a certain amount of impulses form the area of the throat and pain sensation to the ear due to pathology in the ear. The refereed pain that can be due to short circuits that can happen due to electric currents and devices that are going up. They are not the cause, there are ear aches and such earaches do not respond to the local treatment and we treat it from the cause upwards. So that is causing the earache has to be treated, after which the ear ache spontaneously comes down. So it is important to identify the causative factors and treat the same accordingly. • #ThroatPain • #EarPain • #EarAche • #throatpainmedicine #throatpaincauses #throatpaintreatment #throatpainmedicine #throatpaincauses #throatpaintreatment • #earpaintreatment #earpainremedies #earpainremedyintamil #earpaintamil #earpainrelief