Hübnerite MnWO₄

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This Hübnerite is from the Adams Mine in San Juan County, Colorado, and it's available for you to bring home at https://ColoRockCo.com/Shop/Hubnerite-3/. • Hübnerite is one of the primary Tungsten ores, and one of the most beautiful among the Wolframite group. It usually presents as yellow to red to brown to black crystals, usually found within pegmatites and high-temperature quartz veins alongside cassiterite, scheelite, galena, arsenopyrite, native bismuth, pyrite, and sphalerite. • First named Megabasite in 1852 by A. Breithaupt, then changed in 1865 to its current name by Eugene N. Riotte after Friedrich Adolph Hübner, a German mining engineer and metallurgist from Freiberg, Saxony. • It's found on most Continents in a few hundred recorded localities, with a bunch in Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Germany, France, Portugal, Peru, China, and Japan. Within Colorado, you can find it in Boulder, Chaffee, Clear Creek, Dolores, Gunnison, Lake, Montezuma, Ouray, Park, San Juan, San Miguel, Summit, and Teller counties. • The previous seller claimed the Adams Mine was the most famous Hübnerite mine in the area, and that may very well have been true, but all Mindat has on the Adams Mine is: A W occurrence/mine located in sec. 16, T42N, R7W, NMM, above the east side of the north fork of Cement Creek, just north of Gladstone, on National Forest land. Owned by Thomas J. Dorothy A. Mahon. Produced in 1899. MRDS database stated accuracy for this location is 10 meters. Mineralization is a W deposit hosted in Pliocene andesite. The ore body strikes N10E and dips 85SE. Local rocks include intra-ash flow andesitic lavas. Workings include unspecified surface openings. Underground openings are also apparently present (multiple adits ?). Production was alleged to be substantial. Produced Rhodochrosite, Hübnerite, Tungstite and Quartz in an Andesite matrix. • However, the Arkenstone has a little more about it for a specimen they had: A classic Hubnerite specimen from the well-known Adams mine in Colorado. This mine is essentially known for these specimens specifically, but they are still among the best and most popular for the species from all of Colorado. Hundreds of beautiful, foliated, sharp, lustrous, deep brownish-red, tabular striated crystals of Hubnerite comprise this attractive piece. The largest Hubnerite crystal measures 2.2 cm long. The piece was mined by San Juan miner Max Gallegos in 1971. Specimens such as this are not readily available these days, and this is certainly a very good cabinet specimen of this well known material • This is a pretty cool specimen when you're collecting the elements and want some natural Tungsten or Manganese...


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