amana washing machine belt replacement repair


Please, only work on appliances at your OWN RISK. Please UNPLUG any appliance before working on it. These belts can take your finger off, or even your hand maybe. • That said, please enjoy this video of a belt replacement on my washing machine. I think many machines are similar, and are therefore relatively easy to service. This unit was overloaded, and eventually the motor spins but the can doesn't oscillate. Listen for an abnormal sound when the machine is operating....maybe even a burning smell. This indicates something is wrong. In this case, the main drive belt had burnt up. Incidently, after I shot this video, the water level in the can wouldn't go down.... so I took it back apart and changed out the water pump belt.... it was shredded. All better, it has been running well for weeks now! Enjoy the video! • NOTE: if what I have posted as helped you out enough to justify paying me back in some way, this is the best way I can think of... my amazon wish list! this products here will help support future vids! thanks in advance! •


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