Battlefield 2042 G57 Pistol
My current preferred pistol / secondary when running a slow firing primary weapon like a sniper rifle or the GVT 45 70 :P • Even with the headshot damage nerf done to most of the pistols I'd still go with the G57 because with how bad hitreg is in Battlefield 2042 you need something that quickly fire off some rounds to finish a target. In some cases you can surprise a few and because of the drum magazine you enough rounds to go through more enemies more reliably than say with the MP28. It would be nice if they changed the default fire rate to the burst setting since automatic weapons are setup that way as well as the burst AR. • Attachments: Fusion Holo sight, Close Combat / Drum • Sorry about the resolution on two of the clips. Battlefield 2042 is still using a very old version of the Frostbite engine that still can't startup at the resolution you set it to in-game so if I forgot to turn ShadowPlay off and on when the game is launched it ends up getting stuck at the default 720p resolution the game starts at ( no matter what resolution you set it to in-game ). • Twitch - / ravic • Twitter - / ravic • Outro tune Rise and Fight composed by Piotr Wojtowicz aka ThePianoMan007 : • / fucer007 • • #battlefield2042