CSIR JRF NET ExplanationDec2019Phosphoenolpuryvate Sugar phosphotransferase system PTS
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Hello Everyone!!! • In this, I have given the explanation of CSIR JRF NET, Dec- 2019 question related to PTS or Phosphoenolpuryvate: Sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). The question is quite simple but the thing is that you must be aware of the topic. • Q1. Phosphoenol Pyruvate Sugar Phosphotransferase System (PTS) transports a variety of sugars into bacteria. In E. coli PTS consists of EI, EII (EIIA, EIIB, and EIIC), and Hpr. During this process the sugar molecule is phosphorylated by direct transfer of phosphate group from • EI-P • EIIA-P • EIIB-P • Hpr-P • I am sharing the link of the story of hacking of my channel. • • Hacker uploaded irrelevant content le... • Hope for same support and love from you all