Exhibition Training How to engage and close with ease

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http://exhibitiontrainingonline.com Exhibition training for trade show success! Watch this now for a brand new approach to exhibition training. Lowest cost vs highest impact • My name is Jeff Shrimpton, I have worked in the exhibition industry for years, starting on the exhibition floor generating sales and leads, and now in training literally hundreds of people how to radically change their thinking and approach to exhibition techniques. • Exhibition training, I find, tends to be do-and-don't lists and tips, but I think if your exhibition training consists of a list of things NOT to do then you are looking at it from the wrong point of view. Surely the answer is to concentrate on what you should be doing rather than what you shouldn't. If you need to be told not to use your cell phone while on the stand then you really need to start thinking about your approach. • For me exhibition training is about concentrating on how to engage and close your prospect. Research has shown that only 6% of attendees will get approached as they walk by a stand. This means that 94% of business just walks right by, and that is assuming you close 100% of the 6% that you approach! No other training that I know of will concentrate on how to stop your prospects dead in their tracks as they walk by, how to engage them into a conversation about your product and how to close the conversation with your sale or appointment booking. • But exhibition training is also about setting the right goals, how can you set out to plan your exhibition strategy if you don't know what you're aiming for. In my exhibition training I get the team to decide on goals and then we break it down into detail and time slots so that the goals are now laser targets and at any time the whole team knows exactly what they need to achieve that hour. • I also believe that a large part of exhibition training should involve training in what I call Intelligent Questioning. This is a technique whereby you can engage people, give people information, overcome objections and close the deal all using questions. The reason we use questions so much in exhibition training is because questioning requires a response, a two way conversation, much better than just pitching robot fashion at your prospects who's eyes will just glaze over as they switch off. • The final part of any exhibition training session has to be script writing. the team have to be prepared in their approach. This doesn't mean that you reel off a script like a Macdonald's staffer asking if you'd like fries with that, no, you give several options of approaches at every stage. then you debrief at the end of the day, see which has been most successful, then you can tweak the script and you will be even better on the second day.Please come to my website http://www.tradeshowprofitmaximizer.com there are lots of free resources for you to use, more videos and literature.Hope to see you there • Thanks for watching


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