Day of the Christian Martyr 2021
Find out more about Day of the Christian Martyr on June 29, 2021: • Rocio Pino was known for sharing the gospel wherever she went. “All who come here will hear about Christ,” she once said of her work in an area controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). • But Rocio’s witness for Christ to guerrilla fighters drew the attention of the violent Marxist group’s leaders. • 🇨🇴 Learn how to specifically pray for Rocio's country of Colombia: • Understanding the risks, Rocio and her family chose to live and share the gospel in a dangerous area of Colombia because they took Jesus’ Great Commission seriously. Though it cost Rocio her life, her Christian witness amid Marxist oppression and violence was worthy of Christ and advanced His kingdom. • 👓 Read more stories like this one in VOM's AWARD WINNING magazine: • According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year, Christians around the world will take time on June 29 and throughout that weekend to honor the legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the gospel. • ➕ Give to help persecuted Christians: