Repair cracks with Sikaflex caulking by adding sand


Repair cracks with Sikaflex caulking by adding sand. • Or use Mor-Flexx as it has sand in every tube. • Folks, we are located in Oakland, CA. • Howdy Folks, all the basic tools we use and recommend are on our Amazon's website below. • • Live long and plaster hats, shirts, and other cool stuff are here: • Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc. • For immediate bids, send pictures to Jay or myself at our sites below. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • The video below explains how to caulk cracks in stucco walls, whether structural or small. •    • Expanding foam or backer rod before c...   • As far as gouging, as long as the inside of the crack is clean, say you pressured washed the walls or used a wire brush, this etches the inside of the crack where the caulking goes, your good. • However, I’m scraping where the two cracks meet as this was like an earthquake; it caused both sides to flair out words, so I had to scrape that hump or ridge off; while I was doing it, I gauged or cleaned the sides as it had dust dirt grime and other junk in it. • Remember, nothing sticks to that stuff, not even the best caulkings. • Okay, spider webs stick. • What happens if the crack is deeper than 3/8 or wider than 3/8, and you caulk it, and over the next few days, you notice the caulking got sucked in? Nothing happens. • You add more when you have time. In this video, I smeared the caulking, as that needed to be done. • As a rule, you fill the crack any gets on the existing wall with no problem, feather or blend it in. • Thus when painted, it won’t show. • Now you know. • Get a Stucco look by mixing Sikaflex polyurethane 1A adhesive sealant caulking and adding sand for the finish. • Yes, adding sand will match the stucco finish, and no caulking is stronger than Sikaflex 1A caulking. • Structural cracks in stucco walls occur with the settling of the home. • If these cracks are kept caulked, that will protect the membrane and the wood substrate. • The drag is knowing this and doing it. • .


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