I Went To The ER
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=BfzhCtZd5y4
There's a bunch of lip-smacky clicks in the audio, the arts all over the place, and the lip syncing I did got ruined somewhere while exporting. • But I still give myself a pat on the back. • It's not a 'legitimate video', but I do hope you all still like this one. Despite my minimal efforts with the audio, the art took a lot out of me. Mimicking styles is no easy task, but perhaps the artists I chose will appreciate what I've done. Crossing fingers. X'D • As for you viewers, maybe you can make a little game out of it in the comments- see if you can name everyone whose style I drew! • Until next time, stay healthy my bedheads. • ----------------------------------------- • WHERE YOU BEDHEADS CAN FOLLOW ME: • Business Email: [email protected] • Twitter: / pantslesspajama • Instagram: / pantslesspajamas