Vairocanas Mantra of Light 光明真言
Vairocana's Mantra of Light: • Oṃ Amogha Vairocana • Mahā-Mudrā Maṇi-Padma • Jvāla Pravarttaya Hūṃ • 唵 不空 光明遍照 • 大-手印 珍寶-蓮花 • 火燄 請進行 • The Great Brightness Mantra , also called Great Initiation Light of Infallible Lasso Vairocana Buddha Dharani , originated from the Amoghapāśakalparāja-sūtra (Chinese translation Taisho ed. no. 1092) or Sutra of the Mantra of the Unfailing Rope Snare of the Buddha Vairocana's Great Baptism. • According to the Teaching, by offering and chanting of the Sutra and Mantra, excellent and perfect merits could be acquired. As mentioned in the Sutra: 'any of the ten evil actions, five gravest transgressions and four heavy sins which one committed in the past, will be eliminated. If a being, hears this Great Initiation Light Dharani anywhere, two, three or seven times, all bad karmas will be removed. • If countless beings, as many as uncountable dust, committed any of the ten evil actions, five gravest transgressions and four heavy sins, have fallen into the various woeful states of the cyclic existences after their death, i.e. if one is trapped in any of the realms of hells, hungry ghosts, demigods (asuras) or animals, by the blessing of the miraculous power of all Infallible Buddhas' and Inffallible Vairocana Buddha's true vows of the Great Initiation Light Dharani, instantly, one's path will be brighten, the effect from the bad karma will be removed and to be relieved from the existence of sufferings, will reborn into the Western Pure Land from a Lotus flower till attaining Enlightenment, and never be degenerated to the undesirable states. • Therefore, the Great Brightness Mantra , has the quality of perfect miraculous power and merits, it could not only dispel misfortune and increase our merits, it also could bring success to any of our engagements and transfer merits to the deceased. Thus, all wishes in our mind could be fulfilled, and even lead us to our spiritual goal of reborn into the Western Pure Land to continue with the path of Enlightenment till attaining the Perfections for Buddhahood. • Meaning of the Mantra: • om:「唵」為咒語起始語,「極讚」之意; syllable that begins the mantra • amogha:「不空」; not futile, not empty • vairocana:「光明遍照」之意,毗盧遮那佛(即釋迦牟尼佛的法身佛)的名號; brilliant and luminous sun • maha:「大」; great • mudra:「手印」; hand gestures • mani:「摩尼寶珠」; jewel • padma:「蓮花」; lotus • jvala:「火燄」,表光明之意; flame, meaning light • pravartaya:「進行」,也有轉的意思,轉(地獄)火燄為(西方)紅蓮; to proceed or transform • hum:「吽」為咒語結尾語; syllable that ends the mantra • Source: