Messages from the New Discoveries in Space Physics45
Presented by: Dr. Maosen ZHONG • Pureland Learning College Association • Date: 24 April 2003 • • Introduction • • Traditional Buddhism is not a religion but an education about the truth of life and the universe. Modern science has gradually verified what Buddha Shakyamuni taught in the sutras (i.e., Buddhist texts). It would be interesting to contrast the new physics discoveries about the universe with the statements in the sutras. In this paper, we summarize some key discoveries about the universe from Americas National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) on-line cosmology literature. • • The purpose of this preliminary study is to stimulate our thinking and discussion of the truth about our universe. We believe that each religion has insightful descriptions about the truth of life and the universe. It is important for religious followers to study their own scriptures and understand these truths. • • Modern cosmology attempts to describe how the universe started and developed. The subject is built upon quantum mechanics and Albert Einsteins Theories of Relativity. Most of the discoveries are derived from highly advanced mathematical principles and are quite difficult for a person without sufficient knowledge in physics and mathematics to comprehend. However, we do not intend to focus on the technical details of those mathematical formulas here. What is important are the messages that emerge from this scientific research. We will elaborate on some key discoveries of space physics research, which appear amazingly similar to what Buddha Shakyamuni had taught 3000 years ago. • • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • 1 NASA, founded in 1958, is the worlds leading research agency in aerospace and physics. • • 2 The time frame of 3000 years is calculated from Chinese records which differs from those of other countries.. Most scholars hold that Buddha Shakyamuni lived about 2500 years ago. • • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • In this paper, we present three key messages derived from modern cosmology and quantum physics, which are essentially the same as some of the Buddhas profound teachings about the universe. Below we try to use easy-to-understand language to explain the ideas, avoiding complicated mathematical equations, because we expect our audience to be the general public, not physics professionals. These three key messages are: • • 1) Distance and time are illusory; • 2) Things can be created from nothing; • 3) The origin of the universe. • • Messages from New Discoveries in Space Physics • • • Venerable Master Chin Kung - His Devotion to The Education of Peace • • • Buddhism : The Wisdom of Compassion and Awakening • • Given by Venerable Master Chin Kung 淨空法師 • Read by Venerable Wu Ling • (Originated from the book in Chinese called 認識佛教) • • It is necessary for us to have a correct understanding before practicing Buddhism; otherwise, all the effort and time spent on cultivation will become futile, and the most superior result will not be attained either. Venerable Master Chin Kung delivered a talk to illustrate the true nature of Buddhism in Miami, Florida USA in 1991.