Taking Down My 3Month Braids Manage buildup and Retain Length Tips
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bl9pZgPTCO8
Taking Down My 3-month old braids/hair growth journey and tips. in this video I'm taking Down My 3 months old braids and showing you my step by step process!! I'll be showing tips on how to safely remove long term braids without causing breakage as well as how to manage products build-up and knots along the way. • Join me as I reveal the how much growth I've achieved, if you are looking for tips on how to properly take down your braids and keep your hair healthy, this video is for you. • • what you will learn in this video • . How To gently remove long term braids • . Tips for dealing with build-up and knots • . Products to use when taking down your long term braids. • . What i would do differently next time. • #naturalhairjourney#naturalhair#protectivehairstyle#hairgrowth#hairgrowthjourney#haircare#naturalhaircare#healthyhair#hairgrowth#braidstakedown#protectivehairstyle#braidsremoval#longtermbraids#boxbraids#braidsforgrowth#naturalhaircommunity#knotlessbraids#hair#blackhaircare#curlyhairtips#4chair#curlyhair#type4c#type4hair#teamnaturalhair#teamnatural#naturalhairtips#lengthretention