Tesseract the 4D Cube

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=BnA7gokAW-0

We see a Povray scene written in 1998 while I was in Austin, Texas. It was now rerendered in 2400x1800 pixels. The povray files are written from within mathematica, which then calls Povray to render the frames The cube had been a theme on the website http://www.mathematik.com, a site which was created in 1998 (not much updated although since). What is nice about Povray that still after more than 20 years, the files still run fine without modification. I only changed the resolution (in 1998, websites were accessed via modem from home and graphics files had to be small). This will be part of a larger demo on Povray appearing later here.


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