How to beat Fireblight Ganon Goron Divine Beast Vah Rudania Boss
This is a how to for defeating Fireblight Ganon, the boss of the Goron Divine Beast Vah Rudania on Death Mountain. The fight is broken out into two phases. • The first phase is relatively straight forward. Stick close to Fireblight Ganon and fight him with your sword and shield. The master sword is always preferred, but any high damage sword will do. You can block his sword with your shield if necessary. • The second phase is more complicated. Fireblight Ganon has a lot more moves, he will surround himself with an orange field, and start to suck in the environment around him. During this attack you should throw a remote bomb into the suction. Once your bomb is inside the orange field/ball detonate it and he will fall to the ground. Attack him with your sword! Other moves in his arsenal are fireballs, a wall of fire, a huge fire ball explosion, the guardian beam, a line of fire caused by a sword slash, and a spinning sword move. For the most part you want to stay as far away from Fireblight Ganon in this phase as possible. If you are confident, you can flurry rush him occasionally and even parry the guardian beam. These advanced moves will help you finish the fight faster. • If you have a better strategy or any questions, let me know in the comments below. • #TheLegendofZelda #BreathoftheWild #Howto • JOIN THE DISCORD • • SOCIAL MEDIA • / philphantasticx • / philphantas. . • / philphantasticx • BECOME A MEMBER • / philphanta. . • Sponsor the channel for custom emojis and the awesome VIP badge! Also voice chat in games with a squad or party! • DONATE • • Donations not refundable—please support responsibly! • SUPPORT ON PATREON • / philphantastic • A community with exclusive perks! • MAIL ME THINGS! • Phil Phantastic • 5419 Hollywood Blvd, STE C #306 • Los Angeles, CA 90027