The School of “Kabbalistic Magic”
The Book of the Angel Raziel, and the Angelic Teachings of the Hasidei Ashkenaz • The role of magic in Torah observance. Angelic Invocations, Amulets, Protection from Demons. • In the years before the rise of Zoharic Kabbalah, there were the “mystics” of northern France and Germany. These included such Rabbis as Yehudah the Pious, author of Sefer Hasidim, and Eliezer of Germiza, author of many mystical works, the most popular being Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. • Their teachings grew out of the older Merkava school and embraced within it many of the magical traditions still known and practiced in Judaism today. • No discussion about the real Secrets of the Torah can be complete without a review of the Torah of these masters of Kabbalistic magic. • This is Lesson #7 in our • Kabbalah 101+ Beyond the Basics series • (This is not your rabbi’s Kabbalah). • • Shine some light in these dark times. • Please share this message. • • I offer this lesson free of charge to the general public. • All I ask in return that if you find this and my other lessons to be of any personal value to yourself, please express your appreciation with an appropriate gift to the KosherTorah School. • • Please make your offering here: • • Want to be in touch? Email me at: [email protected]