Not gonna lie I genuinely don’t like how this came out. At the start I was pretty happy with it but having multiple breakdowns about finishing this piece to the point where I’ve just rushed it and made it look sloppy [ you can definitely see this later on in some of the lip syncing ] and for that I’m sorry. Animating has just been hard and everything else has just been hard to. But I’ll try and do better !! • Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this years persona lore to feed you all. This is a continuation of the last year’s and the year’s before that amvs that I will link down below. [ the earliest one isn’t that connected as much, with the angel character not being a part of the lore anymore so pretend he’s random angel ] • Also if you haven’t PLEASE go check out James Marriott’s new album or just music in general it’s super good !! • Song: • James Marriott - Romanticise This (Of... • Last years: • DINNER IS NOT OVER • Year before that: • THOES EGGS ARNT DIPPY // AMV // SCHOO... • This is probably my last animation of the year but I will try and get something out that’s more Christmas-y on my Instagram [ @SHROOM_KIN_ ] • Bye !