The Story of Demolition in WWF
Wrestling Bios Presents - The Story of Demolition in WWF • The WWE used to have one of the greatest Tag Team divisions in wrestling. During the wrestling boom period of the 80s, the WWF had teams such as The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, and The Rockers just to name a few. When the big main event wrestling superstars were unable to perform in quality matches, there was a trust that the tag teams would always deliver. • A team that was introduced towards the end of the 80s was Demolition, featuring Ax and Smash. While the original team would go through a quick change when Barry Darsow replaced Randy Colley, it wouldn't be long before Demolition began dominiating the WWF Tag Team division. Booked as heels, Ax and Smash steamrolled through their opponents in the early days of Demolition. • As time went on, the team won the WWF Tag Team championships and went on to have one of the longest title reigns in WWE history. During their WWE careers, Demolition turned babyface and back to heels, were managed by Mr. Fuji twice, added a third member when Crush joined Demolition, and became very popular as members of the WWF roster during a time when the company was seeing huge growth. • In this mini documentary from Wrestling Bios, we take a look at Ax, Smash and Crush as we remember the Story of Demolition in the WWF. Topics include: • The debut of Domolition in the WWF • Randy Colley working as Smash but getting replaced by Barry Darsow • The early success of Demolition • Demolition defeating Strike Force for the WWF Tag Team titles • Demolition turning babyface when Mr. Fuji joined The Powers of Pain • Crush joins Demolition • The Legion of Doom joining the WWF and Demolition turning back to heels • Demolition's forgotten WWE legacy • Much More! • #wwe #documenatry #wrestling