Hello dear viewers, today we intend to present an emotional, useful and painful video, please join us to share another of these emotional images together, there is a family living in our mountains and a pregnant woman in this family with the help of A nomadic woman doctor gives birth to her child, but you think this operation was easy, no, it is not, because the images were so heartbreaking that even if the baby's mother was satisfied, we would still enjoy broadcasting them. The pain of giving birth in a remote mountain is really painful. It will be and today we refused to broadcast the birth of the baby due to the dissatisfaction of the baby's mother, but the other part of the film, which is also the main part, deals with how the baby's medical examinations were performed, how and under what conditions and from what direction the baby's mother delivered her child. The hospital carries it. Please watch this video and enjoy. It should be noted that if the baby's mother is satisfied, we will broadcast the birth episode as well. Thank you for your attention. • / @doonomadic • • Baking Bread in the Mountains:Nomad S... • #globalnomadic #nomadicDoo #Nomadicintrovert #Nomadicintrivert #vlogs #Nomadicnomad #Performmedicianexamination #Thebirthofanomadicchild #nomadiclifestyle #Thedepthoflifenomadic #Thebirthofachildinthemountains #Nomadictour #Dailynomadic #chavil #doora #vesht #Nomadicdificult #2023