Carlo Acutis was an Italian Roman Catholic teenager born in London, United Kingdom. • He was born on 3rd May 1991, Carlo was best known for his documentation of Eucharistic miracles around the world and the way in which he puts them in catalog on the website he created and owns. • Little did he know that he will die of leukemia in the months he created the website. He was reckoned for his great love, cheerfulness and his swift skills in computer as well as his deep devotion to the Eucharistic which later became an important core of his life. • Carlo Acutis parents were Andrea Acutis and Antonio Salzano, who worked in London but settled in Milan not quite long after their son’s birth. • The enthusiast was devoted as a child to the Mother of God and participated in several rosary recitation as his enthusiastic sign of his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. • The young programmer was a frequent communicant after the reception of his first Holy Communion at the age of seven in the Convent of St. Ambrogio ad Nemus. He ensured and made efforts to always reflect in front of the tabernacle before and after the Holy Eucharistic Mass. • Andrea’s son was punctual with his confession and does it religiously, those around him knew Acutis had a passion for computers. He spent his early education in Milan and his high school were under the Jesuit at the Istituto Leone XIII. • At a young age, the website creator had several role models as his guides for life. They include; St. Francis of Assisi, Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinto, Saint Dominic Savio, Saint Tarcisius and Saint Bernadette Soubirous. • The Lombard Episcopal conference approved the petition for the canonization at a meeting in 2013. An investigation was opened by the Diocesan held on the 15th of February 2013 with Cardinal Angela Scola inaugurating the process and then concluded it later on November 24, 2016. • He was titled as a Servant of God and Pope Francis confirmed his life of heroic virtue on July 5th, 2018 and also named him as Venerable. • In a Decree on February 2020, Pope Francis confirmed a miracle attributed to Carlo Acutis which enabled him to be beatified. The beatification will come up on the 10th of October 2020 and it will be held in Assisi, which will be presided over by Cardinal Agostino Vallini. • SOURCE: •


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