How Izanagi REALLY Changes Reality In Naruto


#shorts #naruto #boruto #anime • Naruto has introduced us to a bunch of genjutsu, but there is perhaps no genjutsu that is more confusing for a ton of fans than the uchiha clan’s forbidden hiden jutsu called the izanagi. This jutsu was developed by the uchiha to mimic the sage of six paths creation of all things jutsu. It applies a genjutsu on not a target but on reality itself as long as the user weaves the correct handsigns before hand and keeps their sharingan active when it’s being used. Should they do the required preparation, the uchiha can negate any undesirable outcome in the few seconds the jutsu is active, so fatal injuries can be reversed and the injured version of them is replaced with a non injured version. People like Danzo extended the duration of Izanagi by using Hashirama cells and Madara’s skill with it allowed him to preprogram his sharingan to go off at a set date after his death in case he failed to beat Hashirama. However, in exchange for this, the user ends up losing their sharingan eye and the light never returns except if the user mixes ashura and indra’s chakra to awaken the rinnegan.


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