Lactobacillus Reuteri
TRANSCRIPT • Hi I'm Dr. Ryan Bentley. I want to talk to you about a probiotic called lactobacillus reuteri. It produces a naturally occurring antibiotic called reuterin. Reuterin helps prevent pathogenic bacteria from overgrowing in our intestinal tract. • So, it's been beneficial for children that have rotavirus, that are getting progressive diarrhea with this, that can lead to dehydration and further illness. It can lead to hospitalization. This probiotic has been shown very beneficial in those children. It also has been beneficial in children that are born prematurely that are at an increased risk for what's called necrotizing enterocolitis, which can actually be fatal. This probiotic has been beneficial in that aspect of it. • In children, it has also been helpful in preventing eczema, and then also children that have colic. It helps parents get a great night's rest. So, this is a probiotic that is definitely promoted amongst children because of some of those health benefits that it already has. • When it comes to adults, some of the beneficial effects that you get is decreased constipation. So, it helps increase regularity and getting your bowels moving properly. It also helps that it's been shown in research to help prevent workplace sickness. So, that basically tells us what? It tells us that it has immune modulatory properties. Those immune modulatory properties also can help with eczema, just like it does in children, asthma, and other immune dysfunction that our body can have. • When it comes to the reuterin and the anti-microbial properties that it has, it has been shown to be beneficial in adults in the research with regards to urinary tract infections, not only from prevention, but also with treatment, and then also the treatment for H. pylori. • So again, I use the word treatment loosely here, but what I'm saying is that the research is definitely indicating that lactobacillus reuteri definitely has shown inhibition of the growth of H. pylori. Then also, the last thing that has been shown in the research is that it helps smooth over the gut lining when it is damaged due to inflammation, creating leaky gut. So, those are some of the main benefits of lactobacillus reuteri. Again, it's one of our top favorite probiotics that we use. • For more information, visit