Bringers Of The Dawn Teachings From The Pleiades 1 of 18
Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. • • When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. • Buddha • • Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning his or her existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and consciousness. • • Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. • • There are no limits. • • Through eyes tainted with polarity, you perceive things as Up or Down, Light or Dark, Good or Bad, Fear and Right or Wrong. Do not let this fool you, it is only illusion. • • Ascension-Raising Your Vibrational Frequency - melchizedek144 • • Video • • *Peggy Kane • • • *Your physical bodies are controlled from 95% • • • Alex Collier • • Alex Collier first posting in 1994 (1... • • Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is Prime Creator or Spirit, whatever name you choose to call it. As we evolve, gaining wisdom and true understanding about our real essence, we begin to open up more to Love, and to feel our connection with one another and the universe. In the Earth realm, Love is only experienced and known at a low level compared to all that truly exists. The God/Spirit frequency is beyond anything we know. It is Pure Love - It is is Pure Light. As we strive and come closer to that center of creation, we will know Love completely and be totally In the Light. • • TAGS ... • abuse tyranny pepper spray fascist illuminati new world order crime tv world of warcraft wow runescape online games dogs super ovni rock comedy 360 fun funny football song sex snow bike do accident kids travel ep car 2006 mario super x factor men angle dude skating birds tits boobs britney spears nude naked striptease dragonballz dragon demon batman spiderman superman ass asshole george bush usa vice president titanic gay free hugs campaign prank call the simpsons family guy teacher police chase renetto guitar rock pop dance hiphop fire burn christmas xmas asians kissing hot cold iraq war hitler ww2 wwii world war new york sexy hollywood famous places celebraty global warming climate change al gore george full of shit sucks prodigy rocks snow rain james blunt wet porn nude hot club penguin Acoustic lyrics guitar england uk united kingdom fifa world cup usa america canada autism autistic awareness syndrome horror club eminem cool vlog log juts simpsons cartoon network best goal 20th 21st century fox bbc mtv dance chart radio cnn news headline documentary mingy xbox hack rom hacking cd disc cock scottosh fold iphone phone penis island ships terrorist terror attack world trade center towers blow up renetto iraq war hitler clothes topless mason de trick school movie singing my tv trailer video nouvel ... wtc7 inside job alex jones truth movement explosive devices 9/11 coincidences building 7 facts, info 9-11 september 11th 2001, larry silverstein vagina wtc, wtc1 wtc2 911 proof collapse bombs explosions. Home train love part music kitty tales dossiers pets anime hot technology science drift hsv 3gsm skate cats me video fantasy japan final live fight animation clip nazi amv eminem dancing cat cute soccer episode blog final dog girl show secondary robot war crash penisland bandicoot team racing playstation sony microsoft nintendo wii ebay note adobe final cut apple premiere news online outkast birds community communist revolver gun shotgun hunting deer bear dick cheney condoleeza rice. Cyber space nasa galaxy mars saturn uranus pluto nasa rocket rocketscience science landscape countryside nature advertisment sonic kid 2006 2007 accident animals animation anime atheist baby bleach blog bowl cars cats comedy commercial south park preview deleted scene cut out editing edit cool crash