Mastering the Back Lever Progressions 💪
This video is for those who have already conquered Skin the Cat. If you're not there yet, go back and build up to it because Skin the Cat is the gateway to the Back Lever! • From Skin the Cat, you’re set to enter the Back Lever, one of the coolest strength moves out there. I’m breaking down the progressions: from Tuck (easier as your body weight stays close to the rings) to Advanced Tuck, Straddle, and finally, Full Back Lever. The key is control – a hollow body, horizontal hips, and active abs to protect your spine and joints. • Remember, form is everything! Use a mirror or record yourself to make sure your shoulders and hips stay horizontal. Check out my full demo on YouTube and start working through the progressions at your own pace. • 👉 Watch the full video: • #BackLeverProgressions #CalisthenicsTraining #BarefootBodybuilder