4 Manufacturing amp Industrial Website Design Tips w Examples

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Visit our blog: https://www.marion.com/best-manufactu... • Visit MARION: https://www.marion.com/ • Script [lightly modified]: • Hi everyone, thanks for watching. My name is Tony, with MARION, and today we're going to be talking about four examples of the best industrial and manufacturing websites. • You really want to address three main questions while redesigning your manufacturing or industrial website, and those are: • What product and service do you offer? • How is it better than the next guy? • And, is it engaging? • So, if you can touch on those three, your industrial website design will likely be a success. • Number one is going to be strong imagery. So try to feature something that your - you know, a product or service that your company provides. An example that we use is Graco. They offer paints and coatings, and their hero image on their website is just a picture of splashed paint. • Another example could be if you offer laser cladding, maybe feature an image of one of your workers applying a laser cladding process to some industrial surface in your manufacturing website design. • Number two is going to be a catchy hero message. So, one of our examples in the post is Titan Systems: Engineered Solutions. Delivered. This kind of boils down into the essence of what Titan Systems does. • Another example could be Dow: Innovations to Improve Your Everyday. Again, just something that really boils down what the company is about, what they offer, and why it's important to you. • Number three would be using a clean look and easy navigation in your website design for manufacturing companies. This kind of addresses question number one, what products and services do you offer? If it's easy to get there and find them, it's going to be better for the customer. • So an example we have is Oxiteno [MARION client]. They have a great top navigation, easy to get around the website - it's better for everyone. • Number four - e-commerce functionality. So, if a customer can find everything they need on your website. It's also engaging to use e-commerce. They can get in there, add something to their cart, check out without having to submit a bunch of form requests or call in, it's going to be a lot better for them. • Again, these are four of the best industrial website design tips, so if you can implement these in your upcoming industrial and manufacturing web design it should be a success. Thanks.


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