What You Get Wrong About Russia’s History
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Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: https://go.nebula.tv/comradekroupsky • Why is there always so much controversy in regards to Russia’s greatness? What was Russia like in the past and who were the people living there? Why is it safe to say that there was not one but three different Russias existing within the borders of one country? • Sources: • Based on historical research What does the Russian spirit smell like? by Mark Solonin @Mark_Solonin1941 • How sewerage and water supply were built in St. Petersburg https://snob.ru/selected/entry/103245/# • 1892 Cholera Pandemic on the pages of the Bulletin of the Vladimir Zemstvo https://library.vladimir.ru/kraeveden... • 1897 Russian Empire census https://www.prlib.ru/collections/1330124 • 'Russia in 1913' Statistical Report https://istmat.org/files/uploads/166/... • 1911 School Census https://rusneb.ru/catalog/000199_0000... • 'Russian Physicians in an Era of Reform and Revolution', 1856-1905 by Nancy M. Frieden • 'St. Petersburg' by George Dobson https://archive.org/details/stpetersb... • All content on Comrade Kroupsky is presented in historical context for educational purposes. • Select imagery/video supplied by: • Getty Images: https://www.gettyimages.com/ • Reuters: https://www.reutersconnect.com/ • AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/ • Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com • #russia #history #sovietunion