1 DSW Algorithms
Check it out my Linear algebra for Computer Science playlist as well. • • 4.1 Linear algebra Introduction • This tutorial is for students who involve with degree programs like computer science, software engineering or any kind of degree which related in to programming. • This series is based on University of Colombo School of Computing (Computer Science) lectures, related to Bachelor of science in computer science degree. • By following this series you will be able to understand the concepts of programming. When it comes to programming parts we use C as our programming language. You should have Dev C++ installed on your computer. • Download Dev C++: • https://sourceforge.net/projects/orwe... • If you get something from this video hit the like button. And if you have any kind of a problem which related in to programming leave a comment. And don't forget to subscribe this channel #SimpleEPIC. • Keep learning. Stay awesome. • Thank you. • Dhanushka Sandakelum