ViaductRepairsHarbour Theme EVERY SINGLE VARIANT
I'M BAAAACK!!! YOU GUYS MISS ME? • High quality MPEG-2 and WAV downloads: • After exactly 1 year and 6 months, I finally have uploaded a new video to YouTube. This is a project that I've been working on for... a long time. I actually was hoping to get this finished before my old channel went down in 2018 but I wasn't quite able to finish. • Apologies for the long hiatus. My job, college classes, and moving to a new house took up a lot of my time over the last year. But I plan on uploading a bit more regularly to YouTube these days. This summer will be a lot of fun ;) • Without further ado, here's all 8 of the variants of Viaduct/Repairs/Harbour Theme. • 0:00 Intro • 0:10 Better Late than Never • 1:15 Percy's Predicament (Variant 1) • 1:43 Percy's Predicament (Variant 2) • 2:28 Woolly Bear • 3:15 Donald's Duck • 3:45 All at Sea • 4:33 Percy, James and the Fruitful Day • 5:06 You Can't Win • A big thank you to Streamlined Engine for the Taiwanese dub of You Can't Win, GWshunter for the Japanese dub of You Can't Win, and MKtheinstrumentalist for helping me clean out the vocal remnants from some of these themes. • Feel free to use these instrumental themes as you please, just credit me. • • These themes were written by Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell. • • This video is for a general audience. Although nostalgia-seeking adults are the target audience, it can be enjoyed by anyone. • Oliver11GWR • Twitter ► / oliver11gwr • Audius ► • SoundCloud ► / oliver11gwr • Thomas wiki page ► • Dailymotion ► • Google Drive Archive ► • Thomas TV Patrol Channel ► / thethomastvpatrol • I own nothing. It is all owned by Thomas Friends and Mattel Creations. No money was intended to be made off this video. • A Themes Memes Instrumental, 2020