Wonderful Wattle Australias national tree

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This small stand of wattle trees sits by the side of the road not far from our smallholding. It would have been a crime against nature to have driven past without stopping to admire them. Early August, and despite the frigid winter air temperatures and frosts, these trees are now laden with bright yellow fluffy flowers. Commonly known as the 'Golden Wattle', the Acacia tree is native to Australia and is our national floral emblem, with September 1st officially declared 'National Wattle Day'. There are different species of wattle and most flower late winter, the flowers having a very subtle fragrance. The wattle trees on our smallholding are a different species to these, have a weeping form, flower later in the year, and have a stronger scent. To be fair, I've never seen ours as brilliant as these. They are a sight to behold. #australia #garden #gardening #smallholder #wattles #acacias #flowers #flower #tree #victoria #melbourne


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