Autism Murder and Hollywood Gypsy Rose Blanchard has to quotMove Onquot


Special Note from Chelsea Jay - • This video is my unprofessional opinion on Gypsy Rose Blanchard's latest headlines. • Two thing's I don't mind about the recent turn in events- I don't mind that Gypsy is honored in our society. I also credit Gypsy for the suffering she endured at the hands of her mother Dee Dee Blanchard who was clearly suffering with mental illness. • un • As I understand it, Gypsy is looking to help us understand her mother's mental illness in telling her story. This is good news! However, she sure has a funny way in showing it... • From what I have researched, we have had one video released where Gypsy is reading from the definition of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Then she takes a second to ask us what we think we should do the change the health care system regarding this mental illness. I had already studied and read what Munchausen syndrome by proxy was as Gypsy spent hours, days and her first weeks out of prison becoming an influencer for other things. All that to say, unfortunately I haven't learned anything yet from Gypsy, but the promise to deliver seems to be there.... • Meanwhile, I researched the man responsible for Dee Dee Blanchard's murder, Nicholas Godejohn. What I discovered left me wanting to know what's next for everyone involved; Will Nicolas get a re-trial? Will Gypsy and her new husband Ryan last under the media spotlight of millions watching? Is Gypsy taking necessary steps to heal two decades of trauma before taking a stand to educate us on health, happiness and mental illness that she, for years, didn't understand herself? Gypsy tells us that murder is wrong and to get help rather what she did - arrange a murder for her mother. However, millions feel she is worthy of fame and fortune. • While some may not agree with my opinion, Krime Lite was designed as a voice of reason. Something about where we stand today with this case seems a bit unreasonable... • .... We go over it all today.gypsy rose blanchard interviewGypsy rose blanchardgypsy rose blanchard storytrue crimemunchausen syndrome by proxylifetimeNicholas godejohndee dee blanchardthe acttrue crime storiesoxygenAutismasdautism spectrum disorder • JOIN ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! • •   / krimelitechannel  


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