Czy Motul 10W50 4T jest lepszy niż Castrol 10W50 4T Sprawdźmy


Subscribe: • @Piotr Tester • Motor oil purity test Motul 7100 4T 10W50 and Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T 10W50 • How does the test run? • The same amount of oil was heated 3 times to 250°C by a 550°C hot air stream. • The oil sample is always at the same distance from the heater. The oil temperature is measured by a professional laboratory reference thermometer. • #motul7100 #motul10W50 #castrol10W50 • Why do I heat oil to such a high temperature? • I want to show the limits of oil, where the oil loses its properties and dirt starts to precipitate and settle on the engine walls. This is similar to the temperature in the engine, e.g. in the upper part of the piston. Just because the temperature sensor in the engine shows 90°C does not mean that the oil has the same temperature throughout the engine. • How to evaluate the oil condition after the test? • 10 - very good • 1 - poorly • I will only give you one value. I take into account the degree of oil blackening as well as the amount of contamination on the tube walls. The blacker the oil, the stronger the smell of burning. • Results: • Motul 10W50: 6.5/10 • Castrol 10W50: 9/10 • Piotr Tester juxtaposition: •


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