The Dropkicks Guide to Aussie Bees
Bee chads rise up. This time we're looking into the tiny world of Aussie native bees. From the iconic blue bandies to the underrated reed bees, there's so much diversity here. It’s actually criminal how little the average Aussie knows about our fuzzy flower fondlers. • There are almost 2000 species buzzing around, pollinating everything from bush tomatoes to backyard gardens, it’s time these little legends got the attention they deserve. So, here’s a taster of what’s on offer. The tiny stingless honey makers, solo super-pollinators, and the gronks who headbutt flowers into submission. • 0:00 - Blue banded bees • 2:37 - Teddy bear bees • 3:12 - Dawson's burrowing bees • 4:12 - Megachile • 6:58 - Neon cuckoo bees • 9:08 - Wasp mimic bees • 10:19 - Reed bees • 11:52 - Stingless bees • 13:57 - European honeybees • 15:44 - The importance of native bees • ____________________________________ • Patreon: • / thebackyardnaturalist • Instagram: • / the_backyard_naturalist • TikTok: • / ucgyu4yqc-p5l5m5ukaevhhg