Processing Death in the Community Honoring Chronically Jaquies Life


Hello everyone! This video is unscripted an uncut: it is literally just me trying to create a space for people to process with happened with Jaquie Beckwith when she passed away. It hit the service dog and chronic illness community hard, and we should be there for each other. Please take care of yourselves and keep discussion respectful. This is a hard topic to process. Death sucks. Grieving sucks. But it happens and we need to figure out how to cope with it in healthy ways. We are powerless in when and how it happens a lot of the time, but we do have power in what we do next. • Link to Jaquie's Channel:    / @chronicallyjaquie   • Love you all and my DMs are always open. ❤ • Editing to add: there have been some shitty comments on this video, and let me clear some things up. I will not tolerate hate or disrespect here. This is a space for grieving together and celebrating Jaquie. If you are here to hate, please leave and troll somewhere else. • Follow Bailey on Instagram: @Baileytheservicepupper •


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