Trackmania² Stadium Noob vs Pro
Me trying but failing to keep up with the world record on ESWC 2015 - Threshold , set by CarlJr. • I was inspired to pick up this game again when I watched the ESWC (Electronic Sports World Cup) finals one month ago. So I started training one of the maps that was played in the Trackmania finals and tried to follow the world record ghost... • Needless to say I admitted defeat after a couple of hours because I couldn't even manage to set a time less than 1 second from the WR. The skill ceiling in Trackmania is very very (very) high. I thought this would be a funny idea but you can't even see the world record ghost in the last corners anymore, lol. • Times • hesto (1:05.48) • CarlJr (1:04.43) [WR] • • Check out this cast of the ESWC Grand Final, it's fun to watch actual pros playing the game :) • • ESWC 2015: Grand Final - cast by fB