quotEvaporative Refrigerationquot quotZeolite Refrigeratorquot Part 3
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The cheapest 13X zeolite I could find was: http://www.overnitesupply.com/13x.aspx I used the smaller bead size, somewhat based on this paper: http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~yuen/ref... I did try grinding up the 13X to get an even larger surface area, but results were inconclusive. The Sweet PDZ (below) is somewhat powdery even in it's granular form. • The natural zeolite is clinoptilolite called Sweet PDZ and bought from Tractor Supply: http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store... I think this was around $10 for a 25lb bag (so much cheaper than the 13X -$3.50 per lb). I think the lowest temperature I got using the clinoptilolite was 47F (and this was after multiple changeouts of zeolite). That being said, it would fairly reliably get down to the low 50's from starting out in the mid 70's. So I guess it could be used to cool drinks or something. • Websites that explain the process more: • http://www.massmind.org/techref/other... • http://genecurtis.wordpress.com/2011/... • Anyone who wants more information on the process, I can help some, but I'm no expert as evidenced by my videos. • Other significant websites: • On vacuum pumps: • http://www.torr-engenharia.com.br/wp-... • A chart with vacuum pump ratings in different units (torr, micron, kPa, atm, etc.): http://forum.woodenboat.com/showthrea... • Temperature water will boil in a vacuum: http://www.engineersedge.com/h2o_boil... • Regeneration temperation of zeolite: • http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/chemistry...