Pokemon Cries Rattata Raticate
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=CMg_R4uuiKg
Giving Shiny Rattata And Raticate A Makeover!!! • #shorts #pokemon #shinypokemon #pokemonart • The first evolution duo of the series, Rattata and Raticate, I'm trying to use a mix of different colours across the series and greys weren't one I had tried yet so far but overall I think they work really well with this one. • This series is still fairly new on the channel but we're already getting a good chunk through the Pokedex of the first Generation, I'm looking forward to the day when we can finally get onto some of the Legendaries like Mewtwo or the Bird trio. • Leave any comments down below for colour pallets you'd like to see for future shinnies, like with the Bulbasaur video I do take comment feedback on board and will try to include all of the best ideas in my shorts in some form. • Thank you all for watching I will see you in the next video!!!